Avv. Isabella Arena
Born in 1981, she graduated in Law at the University of Bologna in 2003. In 2005, she achieved a postgraduate diploma at the Specialization School for Legal Professions in Florence.
She completed the notary practice and other higher training courses in Milan. In 2009 she started the law practice and she obtained the license in 2011 in Treviso.
She is authorized to practice legal aid in criminal and civil matters, and she is registered in the list of court-appointed attorneys.
Since the beginning of her legal career, she has been dedicating to the defense of the rights of the disadvantaged groups of the population, especially foreign people, cooperating with workers and guests of reception centers for asylum seekers.
Since 2015 she is a member of ASGI (Association for Legal Studies on Immigration) and she has attended many courses on the rights of foreigners. In 2018 she pursued a master’s degree in “Legal international profession for the defense of fundamental human rights”, in Strasbourg.
Avv. Veronica Pizzolato
Born in 1991, she graduated in Law in 2016 at the University of Trento, with a final dissertation on Restorative Justice in Italy.
In 2017 she pursued a master’s degree in Criminology, Investigative Psychology and Forensic Pedagogy at the Salesian University Institute in Venice, with an internship at the European Centre of Psychology, Investigation and Criminology. She is a member of the Italian Society of Criminology.
In 2017 she started the law practice in Treviso and obtained the license in 2020.
Since her University studies, she has been specializing in Criminal Law, Restorative Justice and Human Rights, attending seminars, lectures and courses.
As a member of ELSA (European Law Students’ Association) she has attended the 54th meeting of the Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) at the UN Palace in Geneva, as a Delegate of ELSA International.
She is currently Secretary General of La Chioma di Berenice – ODV in Treviso and part of the Restorative Justice Board in Treviso.
Dott.ssa Sara Vianello
She is a psychologist and psychoterapist, member n. 10718 of the Register of Psychologists of Veneto region, and a Criminologist.
Born in 1991, she graduated in Clinical and Community Psychology at the Salesian University Institute in Venice in 2016, and pursued a master’s degree in Criminology, Investigative Psychology and Forensic Pedagogy at the same Institute. She has been specializing in etno-psychiatric subjects, and got a degree at the Constructivist Psychotherapy Specialization School (CESIPc).
Since 2016 she is a member of the permanent staff of the University Centre of Research and Studies on Criminology and Victimology (SCRIVI), as responsible for the penitentiary matters, forensic etno-psychology matters and Restorative Justice. She has produced several publications on these topics.
Since 2016 she has been collaborating with the Healthcare department inside the prison of Treviso, and in 2019 with Alternativa Ambiente Cooperative Society, she has been managing projects aimed at improving the detainees psychological health.
She works as forensic expert in criminal and civil matters, and she provides forensic report on Immigration issues.
She also provides psychological and psychoterapical aid in Italian, English and French.